Thursday, October 30, 2008

Michael Jackson, Glue, Walls, Popcorn, TP, & Animals

I went to Thursday Thunk and found the following meme:

This week we will answer some unusual questions, brought to you by Berleen, the color black and the number 13.

Would you let your children go Trick or Treating at Michael Jackson's house? I THINK NOT
Did you eat paste and/or glue as a child? I don't think I did, although I did like putting it on my hand, letting it dry and peeling it off.
Look at the wall to your right, what is on it? Pictures of me.
Do you put butter and/or salt on your popcorn? Butter, salt and pepper.
What does your favorite coffee cup look like? White
What was your favorite Halloween costume? I don't remember ever having a costume.
Toilet Paper - hard, soft, extra soft? extra soft
Have you ever rescued/taken in a stray animal? no
Name 3 things you want your kids to learn before they grow up. (if you don't have kids, feel free to skip this one or add your own twist to the question) If I had kids, I would want them to learn about God, respect, and how to make good decisions.
Pick one of the Thursday Thunk players and say something about them. I'm picking her because her blog is funny and makes me smile.


Kimber said...

LOL I liked to put glue in my hand and let it dry and then peel it off too.

I don't think I have ever heard of pepper on popcorn. Might have to try it. :)

Happy Thursday!