Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Thunk- by the Thunkers Themselves

1. What is your favorite type of soda (if you drink soda)? I don't think I have a favorite, as long as it's caffeine-free.
2. Do you believe in astrology? If so, what does your sign say about you? nope
3. Who is John Galt? I have no clue
4. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night? pray
5. Who's your Daddy?
6. Jelly beans or Jelly Bellies? jelly beans
7. What do you think about yellow car? Why car manufacturer actually made yellow cars? Some models are cute, but every car doesn't look good yellow.
8. Holding on or Letting go? holding on
9. What kind of underwear, if any, do you wear? comfortable, pretty ones
10. Who is your daddy and what does he do? He does whatever he wants to do
11. Spring - is it here yet?? yes/no
12. Does Google Streetview scare you? not really. I find it useful
13. What is your favorite brand of ice cream? anything but Blue Bell, that stuff's too sweet
14. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Cookies n cream
15. Do you ever get tired of your everyday routine? definitely
16. What inspires you? children who overcome obstacles
17. It’s springtime-do you spend more time outdoors? I should
18. When do you think Bud will let us see the DVD of him and the french twins? Huh?
19. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you, and why? Not really sure, but I'm certain I'd stay in the US, just a different state
20. Why do you blog? To help me remember things, lol
21. What are electrolytes and why are they good for us? You should go back to school.
22. Do you twitter? Why or why not? No, I even hate texting.
23. What did you dream last night? Trust me, you do not want to know.
24. What is the strangest thing you've eaten? I don't eat weird things.
25. What was the last picture that you took? The new Cowboys stadium
26. what is your favorite part of spring? the rain
27. what is one thing that you did this past week that no one knows about?
28. What kind of bandages do you typically have in your household? all types, it's like a hospital in here


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

On #18 U said "huh" too... ;)

Kimber said...

I hate texting too. Great answers!

Alykat said...

Rain is one of my favorite parts of spring too- nothing smells better than rain!

tosin said...

Pretty AND comfortable? What's your secret?
