Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Body Does Its Own Thang

Yesterday was not one of my better days. It started off kind of okay, but after I ate breakfast it was all downhill. Looking at me you wouldn't think anything was wrong, but looking inside of me was quickly dismiss that thought.

For breakfast I had a homemade hashbrown. It was golden brown and a little crispy, just the way I like it. I can't tell you how good that hashbrown was. But, just as good and satisfying as it was, as soon as I finished eating it, I had a major headache. My head was throbbing as if someone was hitting me with a hammer. I was confused and wondered what was going on with my body.

A couple of minutes passed and the headache subsided, but then I started feeling hungry. Now didn't I just eat, not even 30 minutes ago? Now, I really didn't know what was going on with this body of mine.

To tackle this hungry I decided to eat a bowl of cereal. I chose my favorite new cereal, Raisin Bran Crunch. Those cereal are the bomb, great. I L-O-V-E them. Anyway, I ate the bowl and felt full. My headache was gone and my stomache was satisfied. Was my mind playing tricks on me?

I thought everything was fine until, uh oh, my stomach started growling about an hour later. I heard the growl again. Wait a minute, that was NOT a growl, that was something bigger. That was my beloved Raisin Bran Crunch doing its job. My stomach is now upset. I ask again, "What is going on with my body?"

Well, the upset stomach feeling lasted all day and I only started feeling better when my body said it was okay. I tried to rush my wellness, but I lost that fight. Sad to say, my body won and I am taking a hiatus from hashbrowns and Raisin Bran Crunch.


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Kimmie, is it possible that you have Celiac's Disease, a gluten intolerance?

Kimmie said...

I have no idea. To be honest, I've never heard of that, but I'll be sure to check it out and keep you updated.