Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"I Want" Wednesday.... 67

This week's questiuon is:

What do you want to find in your brain?

It's simple, I wish I could fin my neurons and electrons working properly so that I am able to use my limbs voluntarily again.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Being Tested

Even before I awake the devil is plotting, but with listening to the Holy Spirit I was able to prevail.

I was awakened this morning by loud talking. Both my parents were on phone calls and they were absolutely talking too loud, in my opinion. My first reaction was to yell and complain, but I thought about it and listened to the Holy Spirit as it told me to calm down and look at the positive. The positive was that my mom was helping someone and my dad wasn't even on the phone long enough to complain about it.

It was so hard to push those feelings aside, but with daily listening and OBEYING I pray it will get better, even to the point that it's not an issue with me.

I will continue to pray and spend time in the WORD.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Me Starting Over

Friday night I had a breakthrough, in my opinion. I'm so happy just thinking about it.

This year I am going to be a better Christian, not just in my words, but also in my actions. God has been too good to me to take Him and His love for granted. Worshipping Him will be a priority and spreading His word, too. I know that I'm not where I should be in my Christian walk, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and me letting self die daily I will strive to be the vessel that God intended for me to be.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why the Attitude?

For the past couple of weeks everytime I ask her to do something for me while she's in here every 4 hours, she gets an attitude. She doesn't verbally say anything all the time, but it is apparent that she's ticked off about something. I mean, I ask and she twists her mouth, clicks her lips and rolls her eyes. I would ask her about but....I don't know. Yeah, I hate that I'm in this situation as much as she does and if I could change it, I would in a heartbeat. Right now it is what it is.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting Up Is Hard....

....especially when you sleep all day. Yesyterday was one of those days, but I hope today will be better.

There is hope in trying...I think.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yep, She's Bipolar

I have no clue what my sister is thinking most of the time, but I do think that she is bipolar or at the very least has those tendencies. I say this because last night she came in my room and I asked her why was she using a certain towel and the chick just snapped. I was totally shocked and a little offended, to be honest. It was an innocent question and I was truly curious. She better be glad I was in that bed or I would've punched her in the eye, for that remark. Just kidding, she could easily take me out. But on a serious note, she does need to get that issue checked out.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Things I Want to Accomplish This Year

We are 2 days into a new year and a new decade. The last year a lot of things happened that made me smile, cry and shake my head in disbelief. I'm not big on doing resolutions, so I figured I would just create a list of things I want to accomplish this year.

Okay, here goes, in no particular order:

  1. Teach my class every sabbath.
  2. Visit my friends who are out of state.
  3. Attend GC
  4. Take my mom to a parade. (She has a fascination with parades.)
  5. Visit my friends in the state that I didn't hang out with in '09.
  6. Make a list of things to do and have my siblings compose one with me.
  7. Go out at least 3 times a week.
  8. Try at least 1 recipe found on FoodNetwork, at least once a month.
  9. Prepare for a cruise in 2011.
  10. Get back in the classroom, in some capacity.
  11. Study the Bible more.
  12. Plan a party for my grandma.
  13. Write on this blog at least 4-5 times a week.
  14. Organize a church clean-up.
  15. Organize a youth program