This year is almost over and another one is about to begin and I just want to do a quick recap, according to me.
Well, I started the year in cold sweats and realized I needed medical attention for a pressure sore. After that was taken care of, I lost the one person who I thought knew how I truly felt being disabled and all. I didn't realize the loss would affect me in the way that it did, but that only meant that he was truly a part of my life. I spent spring break in Memphis and planned on spending the summer on the coast, but that didn't happen. I went to the circus, but not the zoo. This summer a lot of famous people died and I was deeply saddened. My dad had a milestone birthday and I was able to see a lot of relatives with whom I hadn't seen in a while. I stopped chatting online, who knew that would ever happen? My friends visited and kept me in their lives. My sister had trouble breathing and I found a knot on my breast, THANK GOD HE WAS THERE TO RESOLVE THOSE ISSUES. I turned another year older and although some people didn't remember, my nephew sang "Happy Birthday" so I'm okay. We lost a great pastor, but I think we also gained a great one. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas really with family, which is rare, but was good. And last, but not least, I was reminded that I am loved by family when my New Year's tradition, unbeknownst to me, was upheld.
This was a great year and I hope and pray next year will be even better.